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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sucker Punch

So during my preview session before watching Black Swan, I caught a glimpse of this new flick due to come out in theatres in March of this year. ill admit the first time i saw the preview for this i thought it looked like a ridiculous attempt at some cross between an action flick, comic book remake, and Asian call girls gone wild. buuuut....taking a closer, second look it doesn't look half  bad and I'm actually a bit interested in seeing it. the movie plot surrounds a young girl (Emily Browning) who is sent to an institution by her step father and as a coping method escapes to an alternate reality with fellow institution gal pals; Vanessa Hudgens, Abbie Cornish and Jena Malone, an interestingly dressed group very easy on the eyes. the flick includes guns, fighting, martial arts, short skirts, full lips, glitter and a quest to freedom. I remember t he leading lady in  this movie from her role in Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events  alongside Jim Carrey and Im excited to see her all grown up. This movie definitely looks different, I wont knock it till i try it though, not just yet. ;)

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