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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Last Exorcism

What appeared to be the last film in a long string of movies dedicated to the demonic fighting ritual superstitions hopefully will be. The film, staring a no-name cast (to maintain its "authenticity") definitely captured a good documentary style without the headache we all found within the Blair Which Project. However it was hard to decipher between what may have been a true experience or just another promiscuous mentally unstable girl running around in stained, damp toddler-appropriate white linens. No doubt it will have you jumping, possibly even shout..maybe, but nothing compares to the ever unexpected twist presenting itself in the final minutes of the film. Don't change the channel before missing a premature birth, large forest fires, graffiti and new found faith of a long time pastor. Everyone please let the Exorcism remain the best film of its time (and ours) and quit with the remakes.

Definitely a rental, maybe just borrow it from a friend.

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